Monday, April 16, 2012

Less Work's Timeeee

actually this is my ICT's task. 

*fyi: i dont mean to do bad things, this is just for fun*

SMANSA's Annual Field-trip 2012

Holla beautiful reader ,
my school SMANSA/Senior High International School 1 Kebumen held an annual field-trip for year X on March 22nd 2012. We went to one of the best Colleges in Indonesia, that's Universitas Islam Indonesia, exactly located in Yogyakarta. It was divided into 3 destinations, Medical Faculty, Economics Faculty, and Engineering Faculty. I was selected to join to the Medical Faculty. Let's see and enjoy my pics. 

the dean explained about UII Medical Faculty

was like cinema room :o

wassup anatomy lab? it was said that it's so hideous cause there were cadavers

UII's great mosque

After visiting the college, we continued our journey to Prambanan Temple. 

so wonderful, right?

that's me