Tuesday, August 21, 2012


I found this picture from a page on facebook.
Allah Is The Most Merciful. Everything comes from Allah. 
So, "Which favour of your Lord will you deny?" ("Maka karunia manakah dari Tuhanmu, yang kamu (manusia) dan kamu (jin) dustakan?") 

Q.S Ar-Rahman 55:13

Well, we should thank and remember Allah every time, everywhere, every moment...

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Eidl Fitr's Outfits

Actually they are not new. These clothes have been there ummm maybe since  the 1990s. 
Still look nice and beautiful, ahah!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Is That Me ?

When Walking Like Down

Symbolizes the way she gaits like this, woman has a closed nature. She will only talk to people close to her and can be trusted to keep secrets. Women like this are usually difficult to conquered her heart. Aside from her cold nature, such women don't care about love life. However, if there is a man who had captured her heart, guaranteed to get happiness. Therefore, women of this type are very loyal, and she will not betray the man she loved.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

YUI - M (Our Music) Piano Cover

Here it is...
Ive just recorded the 3rd video on my YouTube channel..
Please enjoy, no hater please ((:

click this --> link my video