Sunday, February 12, 2012

Tom and Terra

Tom and Terra
(B. D. Sharma)

Tom and Terra lived together.
They sang and sang in fine weather.

They were two young grasshoppers.
In fun and frolic they were toppers.

Then was over summer and heat.
They had nothing at all to eat.

They cried and sighed,
then  went to an ant and begged for food.
The ant said, “I can’t give you anything.
But tell my why
you didn’t for winter some food lay by.”

The grasshoppers had this to say:
“We sang and sang we were gay*).”
The wise ant had to say:
“You sang in summer, now sang winter away.”
“We ants neither lend nor borroww.
While enjoying today we think of tomorrow.”

Tom and Terra had to return.
Though too late, they learnt a lesson.

 *gay = cheerful

Source: Soni English Reader
Taken from:  Let’s Talk IX, 2005

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