Saturday, November 24, 2012

My School : Year XI

Hello readers,
Long time no talk.
Here is my school. My school (Senior High International School 1 Kebumen) located only 100m away from my home. Exactly, it lies at Jalan Mayjend Sutoyo 7, near the town square. It is the best school in my city and belongs to one of the great Senior High Schools in my region. It is proven by many achievements of my school up to National level, even International level. Hehehe. Now I'm in 11th grade especially I stuck in a creepiest class, that's 11 EXACT 3.

Here are some pics of my school activities.

Bio Lab
measuring blood pressure with Mr. Bam

examining skull

Classroom Acts

Javanese Presentation

watching film in the free time

Dear Math, I'm sick and tired of finding your "x". Just accept the fact that she's gone. Move on, Dude -_-"
I'm getting less work, so I drew some faces on my fingers and  capture it

Making 'Takoyaki' in Japanese Class

yummy, my group got score : 90, the highest score \^-^/

Outdoor Activities

sport activity : gymnastic

side of school which is being re-built
