Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Met Great Friends

Actually, I can’t make nice words. However, I just wanna tell something and share it with you. I was going to a place with friends, 8th year classmates, 8A. Before it, we had an appointment. We came together in front of the amazing school (my school,lol) at 08.00 a.m. Then we rode the small bus and went to Vander Wijk Fortress. We were havin fun there =D. Smiling, laughing, joking, kidding, capturing some pictures, yeahh!! Doing something for fun….!! But we didn’t forget to do ‘Dhuhur prayer’ in the mosque. After that, we had lunch in a cafe. We went home at 03.00 p.m.

in the bus
lookin some history of fortress picts

we were prayin in this mosque

the boys

*almost all  the photos had been deleted



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